Tag: “Processwork”
The Art of Processwork: Live Supervision with Kate Jobe
September 13 and 27
October 11 and 25
November 8 and 22
December 6 and 13
In this bi-monthly online live supervision class you will deepen your skills of a technical element of Processwork each week. This Fall/Winter you will be getting to know more about finding process in language. We will focus on movement and body experience as a way to get out of stuck places. In addition I will offer concentrated focus on edges. First we will study how to identify them. Then we will collect skills for exploring and deepening your work by helping your client get the juice from edge work. We will continue to work with sentient experience, phases of conflict and signal work. This class is designed to help prepare you for final exams in Processwork. For students of Processwork, or by permission.
Winter/Spring classes: Bi-monthly: 13 September through 13 December, 2021
Language: English
For those living in Switzerland and Germany:
Take less than 8 classes = CHF80 per class
Come to 8 or more classes and pay CHF60 per class
For those living in other countries please contact Kate by filling out the form below or emailing her.
For more information or to apply, please fill out the form below.
Your Special Powers as a Facilitator: using bodywork and movement in psychotherapy
Knowing who you are and what your goals are when you work as a therapist, coach or facilitator is key to effectiveness. It may be obvious to you who you are: “Who am I? Well, I’m me, of course”. On the other hand, it’s not always so clear. We lose ourselves in moments when a situation becomes complex, when we are triggered with our own personal history or there is a lot of emotion. It happens especially when we have a particularly challenging client or have to perform, pass an exam or have an inner or outer expectation of what we should be doing. We lose ourselves.
Developing methods that give you the awareness to stay present allows possibilities to open that change a situation from a flop into something satisfying and sometimes miraculous. We know now that this special awareness is part of the unconscious which takes place not only in your mind but in other experiences like in your body and movements. It is the unconscious expressing itself to you, showing you your special powers. Using this awareness is what Arny Mindell, the founder of Processwork calls the 2nd training.
In this workshop we will focus on bringing together the 1st training, the learning you can do from teachers and books, and the 2nd training, the learning that you gain through your special awareness.
We will:
•use 2nd training to enhance your special awareness and special powers
•address how and when to introduce the 2nd training to your clients and when not to
•use the Laban Movement System to deepen the 2nd training and help us facilitate the dreaming in the body
•work with stuck, difficult or impossible situations when it’s hard to stay in touch with yourself.
On March 29 a supervision seminar run by Kate Jobe for psychotherapists will take place.
Both the workshop and supervision seminar will be translated into Polish.
Working on Your own Relationship… inviting a friend
Working on Your Own Relationship
This is part of a series of posts inspired by my students who are studying “working on your own relationship”. For the past years I have been intensively teaching this topic to various groups either in person or on Skype. This challenging aspect of relationship work in Processwork asks the facilitator to facilitate a relationship in which they are involved and most often those where there is a conflict. Read more ›
4Tags: Communication, Facilitation, Leadership, Open letter to students of relationship work, Process Work, Processwork